Top 10甚至Top 5吧当之无愧的现实主义圣经之于当下称作女性主义圣经亦不为过这种强烈的批判性和穿透力在任何时候看来都触目惊心极具震撼的事件再佐以教科书级别的影像调度、叙事结构和表意形式短短两小时不到就刻画了如此丰富、深刻、鲜活的群像这绝对是电影最理想的形态了特别喜欢“回廊阶梯”这个视觉结构——将性别、阶级、权力布置得一目了然如炼狱般回旋着直达审判的终点丰满性熟妇ⅩXXOOOSEX只能说不愧是诞生了但丁的国家
Like the shifting sands of politics, our marriage after a whirlwind romance ended up unhappily ever after. The time we had was forgotten and the way we were was forgiven. Notwithstanding sugar pills and sleeping pills, without you I felt insecure. Would you, bethought I, make a mental note of those spats and harangues were you over the hill.