7.5_无人之子 ザ・ファブル_殺さない殺し屋_The Fable The Killer Who Doesn't Kill (2021)- TV投放寓言是个直男他是都市的传说和传奇其实他却一直生活在普通人身边人格魅力是一种骨子里带的东西用一个小时20分钟来讲故事丝毫不乏味最后50分钟才是燃点这一部少了佐藤和清水岬的感情延续而描绘更多的是新女主雏子和佐藤之间的微妙感觉康复训练对着镜子涂口红结尾雏子步履踉跄的走向佐藤以及后视镜中的雏子写信的雏子多少让人唏嘘感慨也许佐藤注定命犯孤星孤独终老
“If you don't allow yourself to grieve, it'll be like taking a giant breath in and just holding it there for the rest of your life." A season about union and separation in the family, temporarily or permanently in this world. Love is the bond forever.